Freebie: Ground Breaking in Cinema 4d

I recently came across a question on Facebook page asking about breaking up the floor in Cinema 4D and let the pieces fly towards the sky.

This video was the reference:

My first thought was using thrausi to subdivide the floor and use two inheritance effectors to first move the floor up a bit as if it was breaking and then let the second inheritance effector move it towards the sky. I quickly put it together and posted it to the group.

It's not pretty but I wanted to see if its actually possible to do it that way. I didn't spend much time getting the timing or the animation right. Because is mostly in german I am gonna post my file here if anyone is interested in grabbing it.

If you have a different approach let us know.

Freebie: Growing Vines in Cinema 4D

Recently I created some simple growing vines in Cinema 4D for our  "Jack The Giant Slayer" promo. I used a combination of Cylinders in a cloner with a twist deformer and a spline wrap. I added text with a rock texture and modified the spline to let the vines grow around it.


Animate the "to" parameter in the spline wrap effector to make the vines grow. Modify the grow spline vines to change the grow path of each vine.